Sunday 20 October 2013

What is happening in the middle east

Now that we have travelled the wonderful history of the conflict in the middle east, lets establish what is happening today over there. There is always story's coming out of the middle east but lets talk about the one that really shook up the states. Today we are going talk about the conflict in Syria, and man was that rough. So to begin with Syria has been in the red for a while because there is three powers fighting for the power of Syria and all at the same time. So the presidency of Syria is something handed down hereditary so the same family has been ruling since 1974, and the people didn't hate it but aren't exactly happy. For the purpose of explaining we will call them party one.

Then we have the rebels, the citizens who don't agree with the current government and they are very radical rebels, well call them party two.

 Finally we have the alquada that is supposed to be residing in Syria well call them party three.

 So party two was quiet up until 2011, when the first party imprisoned and tortured 12 schoolkids for putting anti government graffiti of the wall, and party two rebelled they protested calmly first with little things but when the first party didn't do anything they became much more violent with city bombings and strikes on important officials.

That is where the third party comes in because they gave them assistance. This whole situation continued till party one, on august 2013 they launched a chemical attack on the public where they thought that the rebels were situated. In this chemical attack they killed approximately 1200 people, thankfully the way the chemical weapon works there was none injured and the area is not permanently contaminated.

When this happened the world was outraged, the United States who had openly said that they would take action now had two choices, to let it go and look weak to the world or to take action and look like bullies to the world. The way that they managed to get into this position was because Obama declared publicly without speaking to congress first.

So when he then decided to attack Syria he put it to a vote knowing that being the head of state he could do it if he wanted to. The vote was a heavy no but they did it anyway they threatened Syria telling them to give up they're chemical weapons or they were going to get hit hard, and they did just that. However the turmoil continued in the states for quiet some time, as the congress was mad at Obama for doing what he wanted to and that is supposed to be the or one of the reasons for the government shut-down. What I think that is wrong with this whole thing is that people need to mind there own business, especially on the grand scale. If people could solve there own problems and not worry about solving everyone else things would be better.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting and worrisome conflict.

    Watch out for spelling / grammar / logic mistakes.

    I can only mark 4 blogs for the mid-term as you are missing your fifth.
